

My experience in Naples

My experience in Naples Diaro di viaggio di Joanna Bober – Wrocław, Poland I spend my first Erasmus programme on Naples. My choice was IUM Academy School. When I came here, everybody gave me a warm welcome. Despite the fact that I was alone in a strange city I could […]

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My Erasmus experience

My Erasmus experience Diaro di viaggio di María del Carmen González Prieto. I am a 3rd years tudent of English Philology in Jaén and, honestly speaking, I had never considered Erasmus Student Mobility as part of my studying plan. I genuinely still don’t really know how I got involved in […]

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Cerimonia del Decennale del corso di Laurea in Mediazione Linguistica. presso il Complesso Monumentale S. Anna DEI LOMBARDI,

P.zza Monteoliveto – Napoli

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